Johnny Goes East / Mountainhead
Desmond Cory
Copyright 1966 by Desmond Cory
Published in Great Britain by Frederick Muller Limited as
Johnny Goes East (1966)
Published in the U.S. by Award Books as Mountainhead (1968).
What connected a tragic plane crash that crushed a hundred lives with a mad Englishman who "ruled" the scraggly mountain villages of the icy Himalayas?
How did the cold-blooded murder of a legendary millionaire tie in with an espionage plot that stretched from London to Nepal?
Who was the mysterious Chinese overlord of Tibet -- never seen by any living man -- who offered Johnny Fedora a fortune to turn traitor?
Why did the British Foreign Office choose to ignore a bizarre kidnapping even after the top men knew, for certain, that it held international implications?
A beautiful woman had all the answers -- if only secret agent Johnny Fedora could make her talk...